Perform With Lasso Alumni at Tommy Bowl!

 In Events, Tommy Bowl

The Texas SkipCan you do the Texas Skip? How about Around the World?

We are having so much fun practicing for the Lasso Alumni Half-time show on Thursday, Nov. 7, at Alamo Stadium, 7 p.m. It’s not too late to join us for one last rehearsal before the big day!

We are learning a few moves! Our final dance and rope rehearsal will be Saturday, Nov. 2, 10:30 a.m.-noon at the Jefferson Lasso Dance Hall. Park in the Arcade area and walk toward gym.

Dancers will use Pom-Poms and ropers will use their ropes. All performers will wear white tennis shoes, blue jeans, a blue bandana and the red “Once a Lasso, Aways a Lasso” T-shirt. Lasso T-shirts and ropes will be for sale at the rehearsal. Hope to see you there!

74693195_2439964619450761_3440504773894209536_oIf you’re unable to perform, join us in the stands to cheer on the Mighty Mustangs!

For more information, contact Priscilla Ingle at

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